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Become an Angel

We would like to acknowledge and show our gratitude for your donation so we are offering an angel program with 3 tiers*.


3000 euro

To show our gratitude for your generous support your name will be included in a prominent Plaque of Angels in the Studio, your name will be on one of our new Studio chairs and you will be included in the list of sponsors in all performance programs.

Guardian Angel

1000 euro

To show our gratitude for your generous support your name will appear on a prominent plaque of Angels in the Studio as well as your name on one of our new Studio chairs.


500 euro

To show our gratitude for your generous support your name will be included in a prominent plaque of Angels in the Studio.

Our Angels

as per April 11th, 2023



The Blackwell Family

Hugh & Jackie Dow

Tanya Arler-DuVall

The Hartnett Family

Little Seal Productions

Squire Patton Boggs

The Walsh - RosaMendes Family


Guardian Angels


Michèle Bailey & Ian Davis

Brain & Jangen

Brussels Shakespeare Society

Malinda Coleman

Ken Daly

Róisín Dore

Anita W Embleton

English Youth Theatre

Marianne Farrar-Hockley

FIPRA International

Keir Fitch & Philippa Hayward

Alma Forsyth

Ron & Margaret Gardiner

Colum Hatchell

Kerry Lydon & Steve O’Byrne

Sara Hammerton & Frazer Clarke

Anna Holmén

Caraigh McGregor

Stephen Mavroghenis

William Mulhern

Janet & Tim Middleton

Rebecca O'Donnell

Mark Prescott

Heidi & Hank Reed

Hannah Riley & Chris Jones

Elizabeth Ross

Jill Salisbury-Hughes

Simon & Renate Smith

Alastair Sutton

Eileen Sutton

Rhona Tobias

Conrad Toft & Michelle van der Straaten

Lyn Wainwright & Julian Oliver

Jeremy Zeegers



DdAlmost, Maine - ATC


Iona Hamilton

Natasha Hesketh

Sheila Hewitt

Simeon Holdship

Bob Hull

David Hull

Sarah Ironside

Monica Lövström

Jane McBride

Andrew Mcilroy

Ingmar Mikander & Abi Greef

Antonia Mochan

Neil Munro

Queers Monologues - ECC

Nick & Mossy Roche

Normal Conversations - ITG

David & Coreen Sears

Sinbad the Sailor - ECC

Studio Nights - ATC

Christine Taylor

Isabel Walsh

The Baltimore Waltz - ATC

The Boss of it All - ECC

Martin Westlake

Catriona White

Anita & Garry Wuellner-Embleton

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PLAY YOUR PART is a fundraising initiative for 

CAST asbl

73 rue Waelhem

1030 Schaerbeek

Bank Acct for donations:

BE24 0019 3422 2638


*2022 by PLAY YOUR PART. Proudly created with

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